Bevica Scholarship Programme

 How can we create an inclusive society for all?

Bevica Fonden invites students and lecturers at Danish universities, university colleges and design schools to take part in the Bevica Scholarship Programme. 

  • The programme supports innovative and bold thinkers to investigate how their profession can contribute to the development of universal design as a lever for the Sustainable Development Goals’ pledge to Leave No One Behind.


  • Society needs inclusivity in all areas and arenas, as current products, environments, programmes, and services are designed for idealised average users, excluding many.


  • The scholarship programme calls for multidisciplinary action to acknowledge that living with different and changing abilities is a common human condition and that society should accommodate this in all aspects.

The process

The Bevica Scholarship Programme consist of three phases:

  • The Ideation phase Jan.-Mar. 2025: Where you get new knowledge and participate in the workshops in order to form a project idea.
  • The Creation phase May-Sep. 2025: Where a selected shortlist works on refining their project, figuring out where they want to go to investigate their problem, and preparing their pitch for the awards ceremony.
  • The Investigation phase Oct. 2025-Dec. 2026: Where the winners travel abroad to investigate their problem statements and gain new knowledge. 

See more about the activities that comes with participating in the Bevica Scholarship Programme.

The Bevica Scholarship Programme is coming to a place near you

Universal Design Hub is collaborating with universities, university colleges and design schools to bring the news of the Bevica Scholarship Programme to a school near you. During the fall of 2024, we will be traveling the country.

Time: 14.00-15.00

Utzon Centeret

Slotspladsen 4
9000 Aalborg

Time: 14.45-16.00


Designskolen Kolding
Ågade 10
DK-6000 Kolding

Time: 12.00

Von Langen F1. 11

Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning
Københavns Universitet
Rolighedsvej 23
1958 Frederiksberg C

kl. 12-13.30

Lok. D169 


Campus Emdrup i København
Tuborgvej 164
2400 København NV




Exhibit 1st floor (DokkX)

Hack Kampmanns Plads 2, 

8000 Århus

kl. 16-17.30


Campus Aarhus
Bygning 1324
Jens Chr. Skous Vej 4
8000 Aarhus C

Time: 12.00-13.00


DTU Skylab

Diplomvej 373D

2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Lokale: Auditoriet

Time: 15.00-16.00

Auditorium 6
Danneskjold-Samsøe Allé 53
1435 Copenhagen

Watch out for details and more dates here or on LinkedIn.

"Thanks to the scholarship, I got in contact with a lot of people and together we aim to create a better future for everyone"

Listen to what past participants say about the Bevica Scholarship Programme: